Below is a list of the available conversion options that can be performed using GBA4iOS. This means that with the GBA4iOS you can open the file in one format and save it in another. You can also use the Microsoft Office program as a converter. Here you will find information about which file extensions are supported by the GBA4iOS – you can use this program to open, edit or save the file in a selected format. GBA4iOS is an application with which some types of files from our database can be operated. We made a little video in which we explain the function and installation of games. After the successful download, everything can be set as usual. The only requirement: Before the installation, the system date must be set to Februor earlier.

ipa file that is accepted by means of in-house distribution via an expired certificate. Since Apple would never allow such a gimmick, the installation is carried out via the Safari browser. As of today, there is a new emulator for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch: The so-called GBA4iOS 2.0 emulates Game Boy Advance on the iOS device.